Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back from 3 days in Palanque

Amar and I just got back from spending 3 days in the rainforest bordered village of El Panchan. Oh the wonders that we saw. 

We stopped off and had a swim at the most beautiful waterfall.

But, were back in San Cristobal again and finally have access to homecooked food which was easy to miss. I'm hungry now.

 Amar needed some new jeans and had to buy these really mexicany ones. Arent they just darling?
 I got these hand made slippers
 Amar is making me a mango flower here. yum yum yum.
 Glad to be home (in San Cristobal)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Deep South

Here we are, living in San Cristobal, Chiapas MX

When we arrived we we're greeted by an amazing (and well-hung if I do say so myself) full moon, this is what it looked like from our roof. Yes, it was huge.
 we boated down a canyon a few days later and saw some cool stuff.

 ...and totally saw crocodiles
 The public market here is pretty amazing. Huge, dense and packed with good stuff. I uploaded more photos of it here but the internet is being a p.o.s. and it won't show them. so poop on that.

At the market, you can find anything from combs to chickens, mandarins to mirrors, clothes to chayote and razors to radios. Its impressive.
Haha, I really like the scene there, its very bustley and everybody is trying to get as much of your money as possible. But, I can tell Amar wants to slap some people when they try to charge him a ton for avocados because he´s a gringo. And they do.

 Amars dad, Bob, is doing some vacationing in Mexico right now too and he met up with us for a few days. We had a good time with him sharing some food and wine. The place in this photo makes awesome margaritas. And that just inspired me to go and get one right now. It'll be a nice alternative to the muffins I have been shoveling into my mouth daily about this time a'day.
 Oh and most excitedly, we got a new apartment!, which I am entirely enthused about. Very mexicany and cute. I absolutely love living here. And, I find I am eating a lot more now that we have nestled into a place. Tortillas non stop and this bakery I found makes the MOST addicting chocolate muffins for 5 pesos. I wish I could quit them.

But this is the place...

Im a little peeved right now because I just spent over an hour uploading tons of photos for this blog entry and now they wont appear where they should be. So, wasted time. UGH

But things are good. Life is bueno and I think we'll be returning at the end of this month. And when we do retrun, I wanna eat, drink wine and chill with all the people I've not seen for 3 months. Im lookin forward to it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Even my post has a Tan

Since the last time we posted, we've spent a lot of time on the beach soaking up the sun. Right now, Amar and I are sporting pretty nice tans that are without tan lines, thanks to privicy on the beach.
We left Laguna Chacahua and found Mazunte, a little further down the coast. Perfect water, warm and clear as any I've ever seen before in my life. Amazing.

We had a pretty sweet little setup in the kitchen at the place where we were staying with an awesome view of the water. I am so lucky my boyfriend is a chef, otherwise I would probably be developing some kinda heart disease from all the meat I would be eating here in Mexico otherwise. Thanks bear for all the killer vegetarian dishes.

This cat, who I call Pinky, found us and clung to us. Poor little guy was so hungry...prolly still is.
 Drinkin Horchata todo los dias

I may sound redundant by now, constantly mentioning the sunsets...But, the sunsets here are spectacular

 More of Amar sleeping under a mesh fortress
 This is the view from the forementioned kitchen... very beautiful. Although, the woman who owned the place was a little phychotic...she and her dam crying baby.
 Look at the water. LOOK AT IT!

 Totally saw my first teranchula in its natural habitat. And, another time, when I didn't have the camera strapped, I was visited by a friggin snake when I was using the bathroom! a friggin snake. Ah, this is Mexico
 We fed Pinky everyday, he ate whatever. Beggars can't be choosers. I totally wanted to take him back with us to the states, but would've been near impossible.

Look at Amar and his tan, its insane

Been meeting people left and right.
 We arrived in San Cristobal the day before last and we fell in love with it pretty quickly. So, we found an apartment and decided to rent it indefinitely. The price was so good that you would only find it in Mexico.. so it looks like we'll be staying around these parts for a while.

More to come, so much more to share...but I'm pooped and ready to pop open some wine. ¡Regreso!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ok wait, NOW we´re leaving Chacahua

The last time we posted, we said we we´re saying goodbye to Chacuhua...but it was harder to do than we thought. We were pretty much all packed up and ready to go when one of the palapa owners here on the beach told us that he needed some help working in the kitchen. So, Amar brought the taste of fine dining to the little lost island of Chicahua. I should´ve taken more pictures over the last week and a half, but it just didn´t happen. Just imagine that I have photos here of when we released 450 tortuga turtles into the ocean, or when we held baby crocodiles in our hands...
Otherwise, heres what we´ve got.

Amar sleeping in a mosquito net
Amazing sunsets and sunrises everyday 

 Apparently, I make delicious mosquito food. They are relentless, I hope this is one of the things I will forget about this paradise... sometimes I scratch so hard I bleed. ay ay ay.
 Some days we´re pretty long, working in the kitchen...
 This guy had a long day working on cervesas. He passed out and fell right out of his barstool onto the sand where he spent the night. This guy is so funny! He kind of the local drunk who looks like a cartoon character... they call him PONY
 Here he is, pulling fresh coconut flesh for the curry he made, which was amazingly good. The whole island was talking about his food. No joke. People were coming for dinner telling us that people were raving about his food on the otherside of the island. International Chef, Amar
 Fresh and ready to be made into fishcakes.
 Look what the island is doing to my hair! Haha, Puffy the Prep Cook
 So we´ve been for something like 24 days total and I still dont want to leave, but theres more to Mexico to be seen and explored. We heard about this completely virgin beach, with just a few familys living on it called Agua Blanca...I think we´re going there next. Having a beach completely to yourself is so amazing..

 This is place we were working.
Blogging here in Chacahua is pretty hard because the internet is so sloowww...just loading up these photos took me over and hour. I´m going to reserve my blogging for more developed cities from now on.
Hasta Luego for now!