Friday, January 21, 2011

Even my post has a Tan

Since the last time we posted, we've spent a lot of time on the beach soaking up the sun. Right now, Amar and I are sporting pretty nice tans that are without tan lines, thanks to privicy on the beach.
We left Laguna Chacahua and found Mazunte, a little further down the coast. Perfect water, warm and clear as any I've ever seen before in my life. Amazing.

We had a pretty sweet little setup in the kitchen at the place where we were staying with an awesome view of the water. I am so lucky my boyfriend is a chef, otherwise I would probably be developing some kinda heart disease from all the meat I would be eating here in Mexico otherwise. Thanks bear for all the killer vegetarian dishes.

This cat, who I call Pinky, found us and clung to us. Poor little guy was so hungry...prolly still is.
 Drinkin Horchata todo los dias

I may sound redundant by now, constantly mentioning the sunsets...But, the sunsets here are spectacular

 More of Amar sleeping under a mesh fortress
 This is the view from the forementioned kitchen... very beautiful. Although, the woman who owned the place was a little phychotic...she and her dam crying baby.
 Look at the water. LOOK AT IT!

 Totally saw my first teranchula in its natural habitat. And, another time, when I didn't have the camera strapped, I was visited by a friggin snake when I was using the bathroom! a friggin snake. Ah, this is Mexico
 We fed Pinky everyday, he ate whatever. Beggars can't be choosers. I totally wanted to take him back with us to the states, but would've been near impossible.

Look at Amar and his tan, its insane

Been meeting people left and right.
 We arrived in San Cristobal the day before last and we fell in love with it pretty quickly. So, we found an apartment and decided to rent it indefinitely. The price was so good that you would only find it in Mexico.. so it looks like we'll be staying around these parts for a while.

More to come, so much more to share...but I'm pooped and ready to pop open some wine. ¡Regreso!

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