Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Pyramids of San Juan Teotihuacan

The place where the Gods were born

We paid a visit to what is said to be among the most important ruins in the world. An ancient civilization that was the epicenter of culture and commerce for Mesoamerica. They say the inhabitants mysteriously dissapeared around 700 A.D., but we have our own speculations about what happened...

Here is whats left of a once great civilization. 1.5 square miles of broken stone, steep pryamids and ancient artifacs. Nobody knows for sure what lead to the decline of the population and as we explored the lay of the land today, then answer came to us like a smack in the face:
There had been no cantina here!

In search for a cold, frosty one, they fled...
I seached (hard)...
Amar searched...
We looked high...
but no cocktail servers...ANYWHERE

The only one gettin faded here are the ancient hieroglyphs!
All of these party goers were pretty bummed, with their empty party cups in their hands,
shouting, "Wheres the keg!"
And this raised a valid question, Where is the keg, mayans?
I'da fled too...

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