Saturday, December 11, 2010

San Miguel de Allende

we just arrived in Oaxaca after spending some time in San Miguel De Allende. Imagine colorful clay buildings, colonial cobblestone streets, smiling faces and street food on every corner. Deeeelishhhh

The main church, just around the corner from where we stayed, looked better everytime you saw it. Amar drank fresh pressed orange juice outside...
 Oh, and tried (with much success) to make homemade torillas... I know they we´re good because I ate a ton of them and an authentic mexican woman (named Rosa) said they were muy bueno... the tortillas were eaten, the mezcal was drunk... the times were had.
 Fireworks here proceed without caution. Hah, and so does the abundant use of styrofoam - they use styrofoam, along with plastic bags, for most things! this is not San Fran.

We literally had flying burning ambers beings shot directly towards us.
Look closely, its spells AVE MARIA
 I heard there was a karaoke bar nearby, and of course...
 and the people quickly became friends. here we are at La Cucaracha, the bar that was visited in the famous Jack Kerouac novel... tequila tastes good here.

Awe, I already miss these guys. and oh girls, if you´re reading this... You know that piece of paper everyone wrote their emails on so we could keep in contact? yea, we lost it. So email us.. and we´ll solve that little issue.
 I saw this wall and I had to light up a cigarette in front of it. Yea, I smoke cigarettes here because its acceptable. you can smoke in most bars, its pretty great.

The people of San Miguel have a talent for throwing parties and festivals. They also have a talent for finding any reason to throw one.


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